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Tutorial should not keep spamming instructions and popups

After watching a video of a Youtuber about Hazeron, (who admittedly was a bit lazy and entitled, and didn't actually read instructions from teh tutorial), I started a new character and played the tutorial for a bit myself.

I must admit getting the constant popups and spam is a quite annoying. It might be better to just open one popup with more text and give pauses between every popup (which could be closable and re-openable), where u have to confirm before proceeding (like for the Stone Age). This would allow for people to actually try out what is described in the pop-up. 

Additonally getting the same spam message about constructing a Mine repeated infinitely until you finally construct one, is possibly even more annoying. People don't need the same message every 2 minutes. One single time will suffice (again best if the popup can be closed and re-opened at will, like some help menu, or Mission objective window.)

Even better yet would be if it was divided in simple missions, e.g. :
1. F4 opens your inventory > try this now when you are ready to proceed click next.
2. backspace switches to TD view. > switch to TD view.
3. \ and shift+\ cycle between different filters > try cycling the filter now until it shows only uncommon minerals > remember this for later.

Stuff like that would alot more pleasant than the constant spam/popups and the infinitely repeated messages.

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Tutorial should not keep spamming instructions and popups - by Ivan - 12-11-2023, 02:54 AM

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